When two creatives come together

A love for creativity and art is where Amber & Brenda meet to create magic. Combining Amber’s creative concepts and authentic eye for beauty and Brenda’s incredibly talented Make Up Artist repertoire they have brought incredible concepts to life and watched clients radiate with joy at the results.

Photography & Make Up Package starts at $450 payment plans available
This Includes:
1 Hour Make Up
1 Hour Shoot
Basic Studio Rental [Varies by studio]
Edited Digital Album

Creative looks will require consultation with Brenda prior to bookings to receive the most accurate quote and plan for your vision.

Contact Brenda at bgjaramillobeauty@gmail.com

Our goal is to bring your vision to life and your confidence booming for your shoot! From start to finish we are there to make you look and feel as incredible as you are from the make up, to posing. We got your back!
Contact Amber Ink to schedule your session.

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